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Hey guys, So, I've noticed a lot of people from Gamespot posting that they can't purchase land from Falkreath after purchasing the Hearthfire add-on. None of the threads I've read on Gamespot seem to offer a fix for the "bug". And they've been locked so, I can't add onto them. Anyway, the fix is real simple. In fact, it's not a bug, but an oversight by the player. You cannot be offered a quest by the Jarl of Falkreath unless you have completed any other outstanding "Rare Gift Radiant Quests". So, if you have any of these rare Gift Radiant missions marked as incomplete in your quest journal, you need to complete it first: - Getting the book The Mirror for captain Aldis in Solitude - Getting a Mammoth Tusk for Ysolda in Whiterun - Getting the book Song of the Alchemists for Lami in Morthal - Getting the book Night falls on Sentinel for Rustleif in Dawnstar - Getting an Amulet of Arkay for Torbjorn Shatter-Shield in Windhelm Once you have completed those rare Gift Radiant Quests, the Jarl of Falkreath will offer you a quest when you speak to him. You need to complete all three of his quests to be offered to buy land: - Fetch the Jarl a drink - Kill a bandit leader - Help the citizens of Falkreath Happy fus ro dah'ing! ^.^
Pokud jsem pochopil, tak je to úmyslně a musím splnit nějaký questy předtím než se mi ta možnost zpřístupní. Pro jarla jsem už vše udělal, ale zítra se podívám na ty jiný úkoly, snad to zabere, jinak fakt už nevím...

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