ahoj, na jedné stránce jsem našel toto
How to win?: By making a BINGO Horizontal, Vertical or Diagonal Lign
http://forum.wl.igg.com/attachments/20121019_a07ee 1167108125dcb34waYXJ8C117HQ.png
Dokáže to někdo udělat? Bingo jsem nikdy nehrál, a velice mě zajíma kdyžtak i postup :)
Jak udělat co?
http://forum.wl.igg.com/attachments/20121019_a07ee 1167108125dcb34waYXJ8C117HQ.png
Ale CO udělat?
Nastuduj bingo-pravidla a spoustu dalších.
Only these 3 types of lign will count as a BINGO.
How will it work?:
All you have to do is create a Chart like this one before October 30th:
2 16 41 47 69
9 21 34 57 66
4 17 31 51 75
8 30 44 56 72
13 24 45 48 71
Each 5 minutes, I will be calling-posting a new number using this website.
http://www.bingoadvantage.com/online/bingo_caller. cfm
It will generate a random number that I will post here so you can be sure I'm NOT choosing the winner.
You don't have to be online during the Bingo process, but it's better if you're!
Don't worry, I will mail you if have win something.
To patří k tomu. Hledá se BINGO
A co z toho nechápeš?