Ale pochopil.
Jenže je v tom strašný zmatek. Podle mě to DLC koupené v UPlay na Steam nedostaneš. Hru bez Steamu nespustíš, i když ji budeš spouštět z UPlay.
Zkus si pročítat: play+for+steam+game%3F&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=can+i+b uy+dlc+on+uplay+for+steam+game?
Například: hp?t=3131597
Vím, je to trochu něco jiného, ale jen to potvrzuje neuvěřitelný chaos v tomhle..Hi Tar2000,
I don't know what you have bought but there are some specific ways you buy games from Steam and Uplay. I fell into this trap. If you bought Anno 2070 retail or from Uplay then that game is registered to Uplay only. You cannot upgrade that game with DLC's bought from Steam, even though you have to download them via Uplay. I bought Anno 2070 from Uplay when it first came out (was not available on Steam then) and all was well. I have a Uplay account. I wanted the Deep Ocean expansion and bought that from Steam due to offer. It downloaded no problem via my Uplay account but when I went to play Anno 2070 the expansion was not visible/available. I had to buy the Steam version of the full Anno 2070 game to allow me to play the expansion. On my Uplay account I now have two Anno 2070 games, one Uplay one Steam. The Steam version has the expansion the Uplay/retail version does not.
Hope this helps.
Já mám třeba ze Steamu The Crew. Potřebuje to i UPlay, tak se mi hra ukazuje i na tom svázaném účtě. Hra potřebuje spuštěné oba klienty ke svému běhu. Pokud budu chtít DLC (a budu), musím si ho koupit zase na Steamu. Protože ta hra na UPlay fyzicky není (tzn. není nainstalována v uplayáckém adresáři s hrami), nemohu si k ní pořídit DLC. Respektive mohu, ale nespustím to (chybí mi The Crew koupená na UPlay, se kterou by se DLC koupené na UPlay mohlo svázat).