čau, do konzole napiš postupně toto(bez uvozovek) takže příklad
jen napíšeš: gfx.tonemap false
gfx.tonemap false" ......(removes tone mapping)
terrain.idleinterval 0" .....(stops the system from drawing unseen textures)
grass.disp_trail_seconds 0" .....(disables trails in grass created by npcs/players)
gfx.ssao false" .....(disables screen space ambient occlusion)
gfx.bloom false" .....(removes bloom effect)
gfx.ssaa false" .....(disables super sampling anti aliasing)
gfx.shafts false" .....(disables sun rays effect)
render.level 0" .....(lowers render level)
env.clouds false" .....(disables clouds)
grass.on false" .....(disables grass, but not grass sprites);(If you use this command you will not need to enter
to ti přidá o 20-40fps více
100% Fuknční - zkoušel jsem.