Rust stutter
Zdravím mám tu dosť velký problém .. pri hraní sa mi asi každých 20-40 sekúnd hra sekne na 2-3 sekundy čítal som o tom vela článkov a zistil som že vraj to je problém s audiom showthread.php ... potom tam niekto pridal tento príspevok:
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When i start a game it takes about a 1 min before it starts then its just constant ill be hunting zombies or bears and ill get a stutter then Ill get killed or ill ghost which always results in me getting killed and loosing all of my stuff. With sound off however you loose one of your senses in the game to detect danger and remove one whole aspect of gameplay , i cant stress how important sound and ambiance is to a game like this. Most people you run into will try to use voice to figure out if your friendly however with sound off you will never hear them coming.
So I went back read everything that was already in this post and the other ones that redirect here. I decided to experiment. I tried to disable the device realtek, results no sound .. stutter stops.
then I decided to stop messing around and test what would happen if I just removed the device and the driver. IT WORKED
in my Device manager Under Sounds, Video and Game Controllers (with show hidden on)
Bluetooth audio device
Intel(R) Display Audio
Intel(R) Display Audio
Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy
Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy
Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy
Microsoft Streaming Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter
Microsoft Streaming Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter
Microsoft Trusted Audio Drivers
Nvidia Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)
Realtek High Definition Audio
The bottom one I clicked on it selected to remove device. restarted computer . Now under
Sounds, Video and game controllers it shows this
High Definition Audio Device (where Realtek was) I did not install this, When I restarted my CPU it was in my device Manager.
Game runs .. With sound. No stuttering.
I just wanna thank the op that found this fix However The details of your fix were not very clear. Also Disabling the Device is not enough you must remove it completely for the fix to work.. I guess exactly as the Original Poster says.
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lenže ja mám problém taký že nemám Realtek High Definition Audio ale IDT high definition codec a Intel .... skúšal som odstrániť aj IDT aj intel ale žiadna zmena ... Za pomoc vopred Ďakujem :(