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Zdravím , chcel by som sa spýtať vinde Titanfall aj na PS3??? Veľmi sa mi ta hra paci a kedže môj PC by to nerozbehol tak jediná možnost to je hrať na PS3...

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Zatím vývojáři z touhle možností nepočítají mě to spíše štve,že to nemůžu hrát na PS 4 ,ale mohu to…
Osmank 14.04.2014 17:21
Ty to máš aspon niekde hrat :) to je skoda , mohli to spravit
Marcooo 14.04.2014 20:47
Sami priznali, ze spravili chybu s exkluzivitou na Xbox360/Xone, dalsia cast by mala byt aj na PS4.
Michal2 14.04.2014 21:01
ma to aj singleplayer? proti botom alebo tak?
hoppus (nereg..) 15.04.2014 09:23
hoppus (nereg..)
Nie, je tam akoze singleplayer, kde mas pribeh+uvody v pozadi a mapy idu v urcitom poradi pri multip…
Michal2 15.04.2014 09:28
cize bez botov, skoda.
hoppus (nereg..) 15.04.2014 10:09
hoppus (nereg..)
Boti su pritomni v MP, je tam 6 na 6 hracov doplneni gruntami (zakladni vojaci, cannonfodder) a spec…
Michal2 15.04.2014 11:40
cize nie je striktne nutny multiplayer? kedze na xboxe vobec multiplayer nehram. ak sa to da aj rozu…
hoppus (nereg..) 15.04.2014 11:41
hoppus (nereg..)
MP je nutny, pripajas sa na ich servery, ja som pisal, ze MP mas okrem hracov doplneny botmi. Ale up…
Michal2 15.04.2014 12:38
uprimne, podla recenzii je to skoro rovnaka kvalita ako na ONE, cize to co pises nie je pravda, graf…
hoppus (nereg..) 15.04.2014 12:43
hoppus (nereg..)
Sorry, viem, ze tu archaicku konzolu budes chvalit do neba dalsich 20 rokov, ja pisem, co som cital…
Michal2 15.04.2014 12:45
titanfall-review The Xbox 360 version of Titanfall was actually handled by separate developer, and i… poslední
hoppus (nereg..) 15.04.2014 12:47
hoppus (nereg..)

The Xbox 360 version of Titanfall was actually handled by separate developer, and it did a fantastic job of bringing the larger-than-life battles of Titanfall to the last-gen hardware. The gameplay is virtually identical, and it doesn't look a huge deal worse. There's some screen tearing and the lower resolution means it's harder to see enemies far away, but those are really the biggest issues. Basically, it feels like the Xbox One version is on a PC running at High settings, and the Xbox 360 version is on a PC running Medium. That's it. The battles are just as fast, the AI is equally as stupid, you can still run on walls and drop massive mechs on enemies.

tak ja teraz neviem...

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