Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem pro evolution soccer 2010 demo

U konkurence neporadili? :-p
http://console-forum.net/showpost.php?s=434f68fba0 e3dc68f0bd47b1072753c2&p=692422&postcount=3

Additional Comments

You have to make some modifications before launching the game.

1) Disable compiz for gaining extra performance (this can be not necessary but I did it.)

2) Download two additional DLL files (d3dx9_36.dll and d3dx9_30.dll) from anywhere (for example, http://www.dll-download.com) and put them into /home/user/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32 folder.

3) Wine sometimes miscalculates your graphic card's VRAM. So open wine registry (by typing wine regedit). Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D, create a key named "VideoMemorySize" and value it with your graphics card's VRAM value. Your have to write it by MB (for example, 1024 for 1 GB of VRAM).

4) Install the game. This will take about 10 minutes.

5) Run the game's settings.exe. Do your necessary modifications about the resolution, game controls etc.

6) Start the game.

Greetings from Turkey, Istanbul!

Je to návod pro emulátor Wine, ale řešení je obdobné.
Takže podle bodu 2 bych zkusil stáhnout ty dva chybějící soubory a nahrát je do složky C:/Windows/System32

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